Student Voice

What is TUT Global House like? : Interview with four students enjoying the share house life.

Experience as a PLAY TRUE Creator | IMAI Hironosuke

Report: Studying Abroad in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic|GAN XUAN

GAC Students Speak at 3rd Symposium on TUT’s Efforts Future Reforms in the with/After COVID 19

Interview: GAC 1st year international student | Chinatsu Kawakami

Interview: GAC 1st year international student | Lim Jia Yen

Interview: On-the Job Training in Silicon Valley | YOSHIWATARI Shota (California, USA)

2019 GAC 1st year international students' voice digest (PDF)

Founders Interview: International Understanding Forum (IUF)

2018 GAC 1st year international students' voice digest (PDF)

"TUT Global House" activities introduced in FM Radio program

Life at TUT Global House | Chinatsu Kawakami

New Chapter in My Life at TUT | LIM JIA YEN (Malaysia)